Delicious Morning Smoothie Recipe

Fuel your day right with this simple & filling breakfast staple, packed full of nutrients

Post includes ingredients, macros & micros so you know exactly what you’re getting in this scrumptious smoothie

Feeling a bit groggy when you wake up in the mornings? Still trying to snap out of that tired feeling with too many coffees? Swap those out for this delicious morning smoothie recipe and you’ll be getting your mornings back before you know it. Or try some of these.

I’ve sworn by these big smoothies for years now to give me a healthy kick, and sometimes have them later in the day as well, particularly after a workout. So many vitamins, minerals & nutrients to boost you throughout the day, and a great balance of macros too. It’s such a convenient way to get tonnes of fruits and some veggies into one quick simple meal. And what could be easier than throwing a bunch of stuff into a blender?

Well, let’s get right into it! Chuck the following in and blend it all up…


2 bananas

1 apple

1 kiwi

1 cup mixed frozen berries (use fresh berries if you don’t like it too cold)

2 tbsp peanut butter (you can swap this for a healthier nut butter, or a scoop of protein)

1 handful spinach

1 tsp ginger, chopped

1 tbsp milled flaxseed mix (the Q10 brands are pretty good)

2 tbsp seed mix

1/2 tsp turmeric

1 pinch black pepper

1/2 cup water

Those berries are what really give this smoothie it’s delicious flavour for me, they’re so good! The bananas too are so important as a base ingredient, not just because of the high levels of energy they give you but also because they give the smoothie it’s thicker texture.

And you’re probably wondering why I’ve put turmeric and black pepper in here, right? Turmeric is an excellent anti-inflammatory for your muscles, and black pepper allows the turmeric to be absorbed much better. And you can’t even taste it! Because let’s face it, it would be a bit off-putting if you could!

The amounts above are only fairly accurate really, sometimes I find I have to add a bit of extra water, just to stop it being a bit too thick & gloopy. But you might like it that way! I tend to make mine then take it to work to drink about an hour or two later, so if its too thick, it tends to get a bit stuck in the cup!

But anyway, a delicious and healthy morning meal that will definitely become your staple soon. Here’s the benefits…


Calories: 742

Protein: 20g

Carbs: 120g

Fat: 27g


Vitamin B3: 6.5mg (41% RDA)

Vitamin B6: 1.3mg (100% RDA)

Vitamin A: 3330IU (111% RDA)

Vitamin C: 70.8mg (79% RDA)

Vitamin E: 4.3mg (29% RDA)

Vitamin K: 151micro g’s (126% RDA)

Iron: 5.7mg (72% RDA)

Manganese: 2mg (85% RDA)

Potassium: 1580mg (46% RDA)

Fibre: 27g (71% RDA)

Omega 3: 1.5g (92% RDA)

So what are you waiting for? Ditch the coffee and get this delicious morning smoothie recipe into your morning routine, and you’ll be claiming back your mornings before you know it. Or whip this up after your workout (and maybe add a scoop of protein powder) to fuel your muscles as soon as you’ve got your pump in.

More recipes and workout posts coming soon, take it easy!

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