Easy Vegan High-Protein Meal Prep on a Budget

Keep yourself fully fuelled during your busy week for less than £20, with these tasty easy vegan high-protein meals.

Post includes ingredients, recipes and macros for these 2 types of delicious meal.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll often find yourself busy with work, plans, washing, cleaning, and generally keeping on top of things (or all of the above!). This usually means it’s a struggle to spare enough time to seriously maintain a healthy diet, especially one to suit building lean muscle. Enter: bulk cooking, or more specifically, this easy vegan high-protein meal prep.

It keeps your healthy lifestyle on track, packs in plenty of all your macros, and saves you having to dedicate loads of time on cooking every day. And they’re pretty tasty too. I’ve got 5 lots each of 2 meals here for you: a Teriyaki Soya Bowl, and a Spaghetti & Bean Chilli.

The concept of bulk cooking is of course nothing new, but exploring it on a vegan diet is perhaps a road less travelled. And by having this easy food in your bag ready to go, it could save you from giving in to your hunger pangs and buying that expensive takeaway when you know you really don’t need it!

These are 5 servings each of 2 simple, quick meals to cook up when you’ve got a spare hour or so on your hands. And all the ingredients come to less than £20 (a grand total of £18.63 to be exact) on your shopping bill. I’m sure a takeaway pizza costs nearly as much as that these days!! So get this easy vegan high-protein meal prep cooked up & stored in your fridge, and you’ll save a bit of money in the process too. Don’t go spending it all at once.

The Easy Vegan Meal Prep Recipes

I’ll prep both of these meals at the same time, but I’ll list the recipes on here separately, to avoid too much confusion! First up: the Teriyaki Soya Bowl.

Teriyaki Soya Bowl

Ingredients (for 5 servings):

Soya Chunks (200g)

Rice (500g)

Mixed frozen vegetables (250g)

Bouillon vegetable Stock (50g)

Tamari Sauce (5 tbsp)

Sesame Oil (2 tbsp)

  1. Pour the rice into a boiling saucepan of water, and cook on a medium-high heat until soft (usually 20-25 minutes).
  2. Meanwhile, soak your soya chunks into another saucepan of simmering water, add the vegetable stock, and let them soak for 10 minutes.
  3. While the saucepans are on the go, prepare your teriyaki mix for sautéing the soya chunks: combine the sesame oil, 1 tbsp of tamari sauce, and garlic powder in a small bowl and mix well.
  4. Once the soya chunks have soaked for 10 minutes, drain them in a colander, and press out any excess liquid if you can (I used a large cooking spoon while the chunks were in the colander). Then sauté in a large pan on medium heat with the teriyaki mix, and stir often, until they’re looking fairly browned all over.
  5. Steam the mixed vegetables in a colander above some boiling water (I used the saucepan with the rice in to do this), until soft.
  6. Drain the rice once cooked, combine with the mixed vegetables, and add the remaining tamari sauce to the rice & vegetables. Make sure you stir well while adding the tamari so the flavour gets into all of the rice.
  7. Once combined, serve with the soya chunks.

A simple yet nutritious first set of meals to satisfy your taste buds too. Now for the second meal: the Spaghetti & Bean Chilli.

Spaghetti & Bean Chilli

Ingredients (for 5 servings):

Whole wheat Spaghetti Noodles (500g)

Onion (2x)

Garlic (5 cloves)

Red Bell pepper (2x)

Chopped Tomatoes (2x 240g cans)

Red Kidney Beans (240g can, drained & rinsed)

Black Eyed Beans (240g can, drained & rinsed)

Salt (to taste)

Black Pepper (2 tsp)

Mild Chilli Powder (1 tsp)

Paprika (1 tsp)

Mixed Herbs (1 tsp)


  1. Add the spaghetti to a saucepan and boil on a medium-high heat until cooked (15-20 minutes or so).
  2. Sauté the onion in a medium pan, adding a small splash of water every couple of minutes, until they start to soften.
  3. Add the garlic and stir for a further minute, before adding the chopped bell peppers.
  4. Once the peppers have been sautéed for a couple of minutes, add the seasoning and stir well for a minute.
  5. Add the chopped tomatoes and stir well, then let cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Add the beans to the mix and stir well, and let this cook for another 5 minutes so the flavours in this bean chilli combine well.
  7. Once the spaghetti is cooked, drain in a colander, before serving with the bean chilli.

And there you have it. 10 meals, 2 different types of meal, and if you cook this up before a busy week you won’t have to worry about when you’ll have time to think about making food. The 2 meals are pretty different too, and delicious in their own right, so you won’t get bored of having the same meal 10 times in just a few days!

As I mentioned above, I’ll prepare these meals at the same time, but I must admit the first time I tried this I did end up taking a bit longer than I thought I would! But by the second attempt it was pretty easy going, and you’ll soon get the hang of it!

Here are the macros for these meals:

The Teriyaki Soya Bowl

Calories: 346kcal

Protein: 26.4g

Carbs: 49.2g

Fat: 5.4g

Fibre: 9g

The Spaghetti & Bean Chilli

Calories: 324kcal

Protein: 16.3g

Carbs: 50.4g

Fat: 3.5g

Fibre: 12g

A very simple and time-saving way to make sure you’ve got plenty of food for the week ahead. The fact that it’s a great way to save money on your food shopping means that meal prepping is a no-brainer too, and banishes the idea that eating a plant-based diet is expensive and time-consuming. There are plenty of great meal prep ideas out there too, so don’t just take my word for it!

As mentioned above this was a ridiculously cheap food haul at just over £18, buying all of my ingredients at Tesco. The only item I had to get elsewhere was the pack of soya chunks which I sourced at a local health food shop, but if you want to keep things really simple, just replace the chunks with tofu in the recipe.

Why not try this easy vegan high-protein meal prep yourself, see how it goes, and let me know what you think in the comments! More recipes coming soon, but in the meantime check out these muscle-building & fat-burning workouts to work up an appetite!

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